Our Team


Megan Ryan
Executive Director


Megan Ryan
Executive Director

I began my journey at The Ridge Maine in the summer of 2007. In college, I studied psychology, mental health, and business. After earning a Bachelors degree, I was searching for fulfilling work with youth. An opportunity to work for The Ridge Maine came to me at the perfect time in my life. I quickly fell in love with the program, the people and most of all the mission!

I have enjoyed being a witness to the many incredible transformations, and family reunification over the years. I have supported The Ridge Maine in many aspects and in various roles, but have primarily managed administrative and health services. As the Compliance Director, I oversee licensing, consult with management, maintain policies and provide record management and system administration services. Although my work is behind the scenes, I know that my contributions are important and are serving a higher purpose. The Ridge is a special place and I have intentionally chosen to maintain a long term relationship with this unique and successful organization.

I am a Maine native and enjoy the beautiful changing seasons, peace and lifestyle that Maine has to offer. I feel grateful to be raising my two sons here. I enjoy entertaining, photography, interior design, boating and most of all spending time with my family. One of my favorite quotes is, “I alone cannot change the world but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa

Christa Nadeau, LCPC
Clinical Director


Christa Nadeau, LCPC
Clinical Director

My name is Christa Nadeau, and I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. I was born in Connecticut but have lived the majority of my life in Maine, and enjoy all that the state has to offer. I attended school at the University of Maine Farmington and received my M.Ed. from the University of Southern Maine. I have worked in residential treatment for most of my professional career and truly enjoy and appreciate the work that can occur in a residential therapeutic setting.

I have been a therapist at The Ridge Maine since 2010. In addition, I also have a private practice that focuses on the treatment of adolescent girls and boys. Furthermore, I have worked closely with several school districts to provide high-quality outpatient counseling services for adolescents experiencing difficulties during these formative years.

I take full advantage of the outdoors during the distinct and beautiful seasons that New England provides and enjoy activities such as; hiking, camping, ice fishing, and snowmobiling. My love for the outdoors and my specialty in working with adolescents make The Ridge a good match for me. I believe that connecting with nature supports people in healing and learning about themselves. The atmosphere at The Ridge Maine facilitates adolescents to learn and see aspects of themselves that they would not get in touch with within an alternate environment. My favorite motto when working with adolescents is to take one day at a time. If that is learned early on in one’s life, I believe that this skill can lead to many years of health and happiness. My favorite motto is a part of the poem Invictus, “I am the Master of my fate, I am the Captain of my soul.”

Valerie A. Clemons, MD, ABPN
Psychiatrist & Medical Director


Valerie A. Clemons, MD, ABPN
Psychiatrist & Medical Director

I am an Alabama native. I received my Bachelor of Science degree at Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana, and my medical degree at the University of South Alabama, College of Medicine in Mobile, Alabama. My training in adult and child and adolescent psychiatry was completed at Emory University. My career has allowed me to work as a traveling psychiatrist, serve in multiple cities, and various positions, including serving briefly as an instructor at Morehouse University College of Medicine.

Additionally, I have worked in all levels of psychiatric hospital care, in community mental health centers, and in private practice. Other professional activities have included leading presentations and weekly seminars that give practical, clinical, and spiritual information related to psychiatric diagnosis and treatment to various organizations. I have also contributed to magazines and articles. Before moving to Maine, I collaborated with Ray of Hope Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, in Atlanta, GA, to develop and provide training for their counseling ministry.

Outside of my work, I enjoy traveling, singing, sketching, painting, and other forms of creative expression. I frequently travel to Kenya to engage children and families affected by poverty and the AIDS epidemic. At heart, I am a teacher. My work is to engage, teach, encourage and sometimes temporarily ‘hold the hope’ for the individuals and families I am privileged to work with. My favorite saying is “One brain a piece.”

Alexander Blackstone
Director of Operations


Alexander Blackstone
 Director of Operations

My name is Alex Blackstone. I was born and have lived in Maine for most of my life, finding a love for all things outdoors and adventurous. Growing up, I participated in Boy Scouts and was an outdoor camp counselor. The experience offered me opportunities to grow personally, while enjoying my love for nature through hiking, camping, weeklong canoe trips, and deep sea fishing. I consider myself an avid fan of all things sports and enjoy organizing team activities at The Ridge Maine.

I have been fortunate to benefit from excellent teachers and mentors throughout my educational journey and hope to share these lessons and insight with the young adults here at The Ridge. I received a BS in Biology with a concentration in Psychobiology, the study of mental functioning and behavior in relation to other biological processes, from Albright College. I was the campus Greenhouse manager for several years and I have enjoyed drawing from that experience, while working with the residents in the The Ridge Maine gardens.

While in college, I discovered my passion for Rugby and played for many years. It taught me a lot about the importance of sportsmanship, teamwork and trust. I was also involved in work with several charities including, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH) and Muscular Dystrophy. I currently spend time during the winter months, as Director of the Augusta Warming Center, a day shelter set up and funded by United Way, providing assistance and resources to those who are in need in the state’s capitol. Since I grew up in Northern Maine, I am no stranger to cold winters and I really enjoy the work I do at the center. As a behavior specialist at The Ridge Maine, I am able incorporate my passions, strengths and experiences into my work with these teens. My favorite quote: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

Admissions & Discharge Team

Jamie Sanders
Operations Administrator


Jamie Sanders
Operations Administrator

My name is Jamie Sanders, and I was born in Wyoming but spent most of my time growing up in a small town called Sheridan in Aroostook County, Maine. I am married with two wonderful daughters, and we have lived on the coast of Maine since 2013. We love the ocean and spending time on the water. I like to spend my free time with my family and friends. We enjoy trying new foods, exploring our beautiful state, discovering new things, watching movies, or playing various card and board games.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Mental Health and Human Services, a Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Technician certification, and a certificate in Human Resource Management. I have always had a passion for helping people and feel like I can make a difference. When I learned about The Ridge Maine, I felt like it was the perfect fit. The Ridge Maine helps empower teenagers by providing them with the tools to help them create their own success. I enjoy being surrounded by people that want to help others achieve their best. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Jaclyn Gordon
Discharge Coordinator


Jaclyn Gordon
Discharge Coordinator

My name is Jaclyn Gordon. I was born in Frankfort, Maine, and was raised in the surrounding area. I have lived all across the country and abroad and found that there is no place quite like Maine. I am very happy to be home and growing roots! When not at The Ridge Maine, I enjoy reading, playing my guitar, watching my dog run and daydreaming by the ocean. Now that I’m home, many of my days are spent with family and the comfort that they provide.

I have experience working in a Residential Treatment Center with adults who suffer from addiction, trauma, and PTSD. I developed a passion for working with youth when I saw the needs that had not been met in childhood that directly impacted my client’s development and choices in adulthood. I desired to meet the problem at its source and be a part of the solution, which I found at The Ridge Maine. I love the program’s structure, the abundant compassion of the staff and watching young lives transformed! My favorite quote is from Dr. Seuss: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”

Clinical & Medical Team

Haley Sattler, LCSW


Haley Sattler, LCSW

I was born and raised in Maine, leaving briefly to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology at Simmons University in Boston. During my time in Boston, I worked in a variety of settings involving youth, including the Big Sister program, tutoring, and working as a residential advisor for freshmen beginning their college experience. It was through my role as a residential advisor that I began to see the very real impacts unaddressed mental health struggles were having on students as they attempted to adjust to a new setting. I assisted many residents with complex trauma histories, severe depression, and anxiety, aiding them with the development of coping skills as well as connecting them to counseling resources on and off campus. I was often left feeling there was more I could do to support my residents. It was from these experiences that I chose to pursue a Master of Social Work degree at the University of Maine. Following graduation, I went on to gain clinical experience in an outpatient community mental health setting in Bangor. The knowledge and skills gained during that time were invaluable.

I enjoy the many wonderful things Maine has to offer. I maintain a commercial lobster fishing license. I love nature and the outdoors, including hobbies of hiking, foraging, and gardening. I am looking forward to the opportunities provided by The Ridge Maine to integrate my hobbies and experiences within clinical interventions for youth and their families.

“A ship in harbour is safe but that is not what ships were built for.” – John Shedd

Whitney Ryan, LCSW


Whitney Ryan, LCSW

My name is Whitney Ryan, and I am a therapist at The Ridge Maine. I was born and raised in a small, rural town in Minnesota. I earned my bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. After graduating, I started working for a small non-profit, family services agency working with adoptive families, adoptees, and expectant parents. I was employed with the organization for over 7 years in various positions, including a social worker, manager, and programs director. I am grateful to have had a wide range of experiences supporting children and families navigating difficult situations. After 7 years, I decided to go back to school. I earned my master’s in social work from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. I completed my graduate clinical social work internship at a small charter school in South Minneapolis, working with students in kindergarten through 8th grade. I supported students in their social and emotional development by providing individual therapy, emotional regulation skills, and social skills groups. I am currently a licensed social worker in the states of Maine, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Throughout my career and my graduate school courses, I completed training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, the impact of trauma on development, and an adoption competency certification through the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative.

I find nature and the outdoors to be a healing environment and have always wanted an opportunity to incorporate it into my work. I recently relocated to Maine to be able to fulfill my personal and therapeutic passion for the outdoors. I was drawn to The Ridge Maine’s commitment to incorporate nature and purpose into a student’s therapeutic experience. After moving from St. Paul, Minnesota, I am looking forward to the quiet beauty that Maine has to offer.

When I’m not working, I enjoy exploring the outdoors walking, hiking, and camping. I like to read both fiction and non-fiction books and experiment with new recipes to cook. I love to travel domestically and internationally. In college, I spent a semester living in Ireland and had the opportunity to travel to numerous countries in Europe. Since then, I have enjoyed time internationally in Greece, Mexico, the Philippines, and Canada. More recently, my travel has included road trips to explore our beautiful national parks. I appreciate my close-knit family and enjoy our family gatherings and playing with my two nieces. I look forward to sharing the beauty that Maine has to offer with them when they visit.

Alicia Natchie, LMSW-CC


Alicia Natchie, LMSW-CC

I moved from PA to Maine for my undergraduate degree in Wilderness Therapy in 2007. For me, Maine was an instant feeling of appreciation and connection to what I love to do and the environment I wanted to surround myself with. Agriculture, camping, outdoor adventures, trees for miles, and generous options for solitude or social connections all equated to home for me. It was a natural progression to seek further education in obtaining a degree as a clinical Social Worker through the University of Maine.

My professional work experiences include serving in the mental health field for over 10 years working with adolescents and adults from foster care, survivors of domestic violence, serving Maine’s indigenous tribes seeking paths to recovery from substance use, and serving adolescents in need in wilderness and behavioral support settings. With a high regard to cultural competency and social justice, I incorporate a strength-based and biopsychosocial perspective through a multicultural lens and am grounded in narrative, cognitive and structural family theories. I incorporate a wide range of interventions and place great emphasis on the importance of the therapeutic relationship and seeing the individual and family system as the leading expert. I find immense fulfillment in seeking innovative ways to help communities and individuals thrive within themselves and their environments. In what other field can you combine the ability to offer compassion, inspire hope and teach the skills to overcome challenges with all ages with any level of distress in their lives? Well, the answer is any field, but the mental health field is where people who lost knowledge of their inherent worth get connected with what matters most in their lives, the tools that help them to determine a life worth living and most importantly, that greatness exists within you. That’s a career worth living for me.

Lorimer Hemingway, RN


Lorimer Hemingway, RN

I am Lorimer Hemingway, a nurse at The Ridge Maine. I moved to Maine in 1999 from Newton, Massachusetts. I attended New England Baptist School of Nursing and Emmanual College and graduated with a BSN. I have been a nurse for 31 years. My experience in nursing consists of Pediatrics and Geriatrics and Plastic Surgery. I also have experience in phone triage nursing.

I am excited to add The Ridge Maine to my list of experiences. I really enjoy working with the kids and watching them grow and transition and learn here at The Ridge Maine. It’s wonderful to see their success, and to watch it unfold here from the beginning to end. It’s nice to be a part of the team that provides support to the kids here at The Ridge Maine.

“Whether You Think You Can or Think You Can’t, You’re Right.” – Henry Ford

Matthew Hendry, LCPC
Parent Coach


Matthew Hendry, LCPC
Parent Coach

Growing up in Colorado at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, I gained an appreciation and a love for the wilderness. Somewhere along the way, probably during a 4th grade assignment on different states, I became fascinated with Maine and ever since have dreamt of living here. I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Utah and my graduate degree from the University of Phoenix. While in Utah, I worked at a therapeutic boarding school spending 10 of those years as the clinical director. In addition to school and work, I also fell in love with a girl from Maine. Together we grew a family which includes four daughters and two sons and we eventually found our way to Maine. I have not been disappointed in Midcoast Maine life and am excited for the new experiences I am able to share with my family. My goal is to help each family member discover what they can contribute to the healing process while their child is discovering who they are and what their true potential is. I am excited to help facilitate this process at The Ridge Maine as a therapist. One of my favorite quotes is from Bono when he said, “Idealism detached from action is just a dream. But idealism allied with pragmatism, with rolling up your sleeves and making the world bend a bit, is very exciting.”


Jennifer Poliquin
Campus Manager


Jennifer Poliquin
Campus Manager

My name is Jen Poliquin. I was born and raised in Maine. I have a love of athletics, nature and holism. My love of athletics led me to a self designed major in Athletic Training from the University of Southern Maine. While creating that self design I incorporated many psychology classes and fell in love with it. This passion led me to a career in helping others be their best. I have worked with children with Autism for many years, discovering the world of Applied Behavioral Analysis, a love that I continually pursue,working toward my masters degree.

Joining the The Ridge Maine team feels like a natural fit for who I am and how I work, love and heal in the world. I would say I am a relationship-centered human being, believing that clear relationships are central to all we do. As a learning community, we focus on understanding each other, supporting each other’s individual and collective well being, creativity and development. I personally strive to be open and create a supportive, safe environment where all of us – residents, staff and therapists continue expanding healthy boundaries and connecting across differences without judgment. My learning approach is rooted in peace, nature and community.

When I am not working I spend my time living life with my family. We laugh, love and adventure together. Our family mantra is: We think beyond “the way it is” to “the way it can be”.

Corinne Coopshaw


Corinne Coopshaw

My name is Corinne Coopshaw and I am the art teacher and also the staffing and training coordinator. I was born and raised here in this beautiful and adventurous state of Maine and most of my childhood was spent in the great outdoors with my siblings. There was always something to do, whether it be splitting wood, fishing, farm work, hunting, or playing in the lakes.

After graduating from high school, I chose a path in the United States Navy as a heavy equipment operator with the Seabees. The time I spent in the service is a chapter of my life that I am incredibly grateful for. Serving provided me with opportunities and experiences that I would not have had anywhere else. It was not until I left the military that I decided to enroll at Adrian College in Adrian, Michigan. There I earned a Bachelor’s degree, with a major in Art Therapy and a minor in Criminal Justice. My journey through college started with the intention of becoming a juvenile probation officer. That shifted after realizing that it would not be the best place for me to help youth in the capacity I was seeking. I feel that the difference that I wanted to make with youth is something I can accomplish through my role here at The Ridge Maine. It is more fulfilling than I could have imagined! I enjoy being a part of and a witness to the phenomenal growth that transpires among the kids and their families.

I believe that kids excel at The Ridge Maine because of the consistency throughout the program and the support they receive from the compassionate staff. As a team, we do our best to provide them with the tools they need to regulate their emotions and assist them in overcoming obstacles, no matter what they may be. Our approach is not typically a part of a public school curriculum and is one of the many unique aspects of The Ridge. Everything that the kids learn at The Ridge Maine helps build a fundamental foundation designed to set them up for successful futures and restore their self-confidence. One of my favorite quotes that I use with the kids is “Can Do!” and not just because it is the Seabees motto. Another is, “Not one living soul in this universe ever accomplished anything by approaching a problem saying, ‘I Can’t.’ “


Kathy Harriman


Kathy Harriman

My name is Kathy Harriman. I was born and grew up in western New York State, and graduated from Houghton College with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and German. I taught German in high school and elementary school before my children were born. Then I enjoyed the experience of homeschooling with my five children on our dairy farm in Maine. That opportunity gave me a chance to view the educational benefits of working one-on-one with students, something I enjoy at The Ridge Maine. I have been teaching at The Ridge Maine since 2007, and find it very rewarding to be able to help students get turned around academically. The structure of the program along with the individualization of the curriculum for each student has provided a winning combination for positive academic progress. In my spare time I enjoy reading, gardening, knitting, and singing and playing music with a small band. My favorite quote is, “Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” – E.E. Cummings


Kirsten Woods
Office Manager


Kirsten Woods
Office Manager

My name is Kirsten Woods. I was born and raised in Belfast, Maine. As a youth, I looked forward to the day that I would leave the area and see the world. I moved away for a few years and found that the strong roots my parents provided for me and my brother modeled the lifestyle that I wished for my own children. My family returned to Belfast 14 years ago. I am so grateful to live in this small and caring community. I am the mother of two teenagers. We are a busy family, involved in multiple sports and activities year round. When I have free time, I enjoy hiking, reading, and spending time with my family. I previously spent 17 years in the banking and healthcare industries. Since joining The Ridge Maine, I have found this work to be so rewarding. I am proud to be part of the The Ridge Maine family and am ready to assist you and your family in any way I can. One of my favorite quotes is, “It’s impossible said pride. It’s risky said experience. It’s pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the HEART.”

Lori Littlefield
Inventory Coordinator


Lori Littlefield
Inventory Coordinator

My name is Lori Littlefield. I am thankful to live and work in such a beautiful area! I love the small town, country atmosphere, and close community here. I really enjoy my role in the office at The Ridge Maine and look forward to helping others in whatever way I can. I am honored to be a part of the The Ridge Maine team where amazing transformations take place in the lives of teenagers. I love The Ridge Maine’s approach of going back to the basics; it’s something I strongly believe in, especially in this fast paced culture we live in. My faith, family, and friends are very important to me, and in my free time I love spending time with my husband and children. I enjoy our pets, hiking, photography, flower gardening, baking and raising honeybees. A favorite quote, and one I have used often with my own kids is, “You can say anything in a nice way.” I believe this to be so true. If we carefully choose the words and tone we use, we have the power to strengthen, rather than damage, a conversation or relationship. My love for teenagers, the outdoors, and my strong passion for animals makes me really appreciate the atmosphere here at The Ridge Maine. There is beauty all around!

Animal Partners


Emotional Support Animal


Emotional Support Animal

Athena is a 20-year-old Arabian cross-grey mare who stands 14.3 hands tall. She is the only female in the herd. Athena is very funny and loves to jam out to music in the barn.

Why Athena loves The Ridge Maine?
“Many of the beginner students gravitate towards me because I am very forgiving and willing to help them learn the ropes.”

Why I love The Ridge Maine: “I get to be groomed every day and build very close relationships with the students. There is a good balance between work and play here. It’s the perfect retirement gig!”

Emotional Support Animal


Emotional Support Animal

Colonel is a 6.5 yr old Belgian Cross gelding who stands 15.3 hands high . He rides & drives and was formerly an Amish horse.

About Me: “I have been through some hard times plowing fields and working for people who were not always nice to me.”

Why I love The Ridge Maine: “I love The Ridge Maine because the students take very good care of me every day, and feed me snacks.”

Emotional Support Animal


Emotional Support Animal

Pride is a 23 year old Tennessee Walking Horse gelding who stands 15hh. He rides and has logged thousands of miles on trails up and down the East Coast.

About Me: “I led a charmed life, and had many adventures with my pasture mate of 15 years. But then she died and I was really missing her.”

Why I love The Ridge Maine: “I love my new pasture pals! Also, I have a condition that is like tourette syndrome. The students make sure that I get my special supplement and my special mask when I go outside. I like that they don’t judge me for being different.”

Emotional Support Animal


Emotional Support Animal

Rue is the 2nd oldest gentleman of the herd at 27 years old. He is fast friends with Frankie. He is a small Thoroughbred, standing only 15 hands high. Rue is excellent with the more timid riders, and very forgiving.

About Me: “My favorite people are those who are new to horses and I like making them feel supported and confident.”

Why I love The Ridge Maine: “The view is spectacular, and I love the peaceful surroundings. I agree with Ali that this is the perfect retirement gig!”

Emotional Support Animal


Emotional Support Animal

Zeus is a 20 year old Percheron Cross standing 17 hh. He was in a barn where there were too many horses and wasn’t getting the care that he needed.

About Me: “I was very nervous and withdrawn when I first arrived. I’ve been in a number of different homes, some nice, some not so nice. I just didn’t know what to expect.”

Why I love The Ridge Maine: “I appreciate how patient everyone was and that they allowed me a chance to settle in. I’ve made new friends, and am learning to trust again.”

Emotional Support Animal


Emotional Support Animal

Hi there. My name is Rocket. I’ve worked at The Ridge Maine my whole 6 years of life and I’d like to think that I’ve grown pretty wise during my time here. For instance, I know that the best way for me to care for my humans is to sit quietly with them and listen to their words or to listen to their silence. Sometimes, I think it’s best if I sit directly on their lap or squeeze onto a comfy chair with them. My humans think I’m so wise that when I attend House Meeting, I’m given my own chair to sit in so I can be a part of the discussion too, though mostly I just listen and nod. My humans really make my work enjoyable and no matter what the situation, they are always happy to see me!

Emotional Support Animal


Emotional Support Animal

Hello! My name is Rumor and even though I’m only 4-months old, I’ve learned so much about life already! I know that if I sit really nice and open my eyes really wide that I get snacks like crackers and buscuits. But my favorite is when mom gives me cheese and sometimes bacon! I just learned about snow and man, that stuff is amazing! I like to run around, jump into the big piles of it and make tunnels. Did you know you can eat it too!? The greatest thing about playing in the snow though is all the cuddles I get afterwards. I like to find a human to sit with, get warm and get all the pets and take a well deserved nap. I’m told that I have the best and most softest fur around and that I’m the bestest boy and I couldn’t agree more!

Honey Bija
Emotional Support Animal


Honey Bija
Emotional Support Animal

I am young puppy and full of love and play! I love to romp in the grass, learn new things and listen better every day! I look forward to growing big and offering my unconditional love and loyalty to all I meet. I am a good friend…I like to bring smiles to faces and teaching without words.

Emotional Support Animal


Emotional Support Animal

Bella is always coming to work bringing positive energy and smiles to all that cross her path. Bella loves to play ball, hike, swim in the pond, explore campus with the residents and snuggle up when they need some extra attention. She is loyal and loving and a huge part of residents’ daily lives.

Emotional Support Animal


Emotional Support Animal

I’m Boone. a half bloodhound/half lab. I am just 11 weeks old but I am already supervising barn chores and making sure the horses stay out of trouble. If a student is struggling I try to help ground them and provide motivation. When I’m not working you can find me in the barn sleeping or trying to make friends with Ollie, the barn cat.

Feathery Flock
Emotional Support Animals


Feathery Flock
Emotional Support Animals

Down in the coop our flock of hens stay spoiled by our residents each day. Students switch off chores to ensure that their house stays clean, they have plenty of water and warm and healthy snacks. They reward our good care by sharing tasty eggs that often go into special baked treats and weekend brunches!

Giddy Goats
Emotional Support Animals


Giddy Goats
Emotional Support Animals

Blueberry, DK, Circus, Zoom “We are the class clowns of The Ridge Maine! When students first arrive, one of their routine chores is to make sure we are fed, groomed and have lots of fun time in the pastures. It is really neat to get to know each of the kids and see their softer side while they take care of us.”

Waddlin’ Wayfarers
Emotional Support Animals


Waddlin’ Wayfarers
Emotional Support Animals

Our pond-front friends have been carefully raised by each of our residents since ducklings. Resident’s now take turns with the daily chore of ensuring they get tucked in to their safe and cozy home each night. Its not uncommon for students to save staled bread for a special treat!

The Ridge RTC Maine Logo
67 Captain Cushman Road
Morrill, Maine, 04952
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Copyright © 2024, The Ridge Maine, LLC

Altior LogoThe Ridge Maine is part of the Altior Healthcare family of mental health treatment providers.